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“Summertime Chic”

When asked the question, “What colors do you recommend for this time of year?” the answer is easy. Whatever you are most comfortable with. Summer is one of those times of the year when a less formal approach to our lifestyles takes over. Coats and ties often give way to open collared shirts, high heels are traded for open toed sandals and casual entertaining abounds! From picnics to patios to pool parties, this is the season for summertime chic by choosing colors to make a splash!

One of the hottest color influences is coral or shrimp paired with every color from tan to turquoise! Coral wakes up soft colors in the mid-range browns and gives just enough of an impact to let us know there is a presence of color. Think sand and pearl luster being woke up with vanilla and shrimp for a classic summer color harmony.

Coral also is being shown with turquoise, plum and lime green for an exciting display of flirty tropical colors. Just think how casual collections of garden type flowers could work in this festive floral harmony. The flower choices are very broad at this time of year making for an endless variety of choices. Weather displayed in the back yard or corporate boardroom, bright collections of seasonal flowers always make a happy statement. Keep in mind when working on interior projects, if the setting is busy with color, choose one or two colors being displayed and keep the floral styling more simplistic. When the setting is more subdued, then more color can be used effectively. As the amount of colors increase, the possibility of colors fighting or not harmonizing is a distinct possibility. One of the easiest solutions to making color work together is to include either violet or lime green to harmonize poly-chromatic color harmonies. These two colors along with gray (Dusty miller, gray-green eucalyptus) are blending colors that not only provide a mix but also vibrant contrast.

Whatever you choose for this summers color pallet, choose colors that make a splash!

By Tom Bowling AIFD PFCI exclusively for Florabundance, Inc.

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